get involved
Help people to shine
Inspire You asks talented young people “what do you love to do?” and offers them inspiration, support and development so that they can shine. We aim to equip young and gifted people for a successful career and fulfilling life.
For entrepreneurs and mentors:
We welcome approaches from entrepreneurs, coaches, mentors in the arts, business and sport if you want to share your expertise and help people on the path to success.
Please get in touch with us [link to contact]
For talented young people:
If you like what you're reading and hearing about Inspire You and you want to find out what we can offer you, or you'd like to come to a workshop, email us! We'd like to hear about you and what you like doing. Link to contact
For business and community leaders:
If you are interested in finding out how you can support Inspire You and get involved, we would love to talk to you
With grateful thanks to our sponsors